Mindfulness Meditation~ Supporting Freedom from Addiction

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MRP)

rock stacker

Perhaps you’ve heard sayings like “stay the present moment” or “don’t believe everything you think” or even “keep it simple.” Maybe you wondered what all that really means or, even if you do understand it, you have no idea how to achieve it in life.

“One main problem I have seen in people who relapse on substances or behaviors is
that when there is a stimulus – it could be an urge, a craving, a situation or an
emotional trigger – the person is not able to pause long enough to make a healthy,
rational choice,” says Addictions Counselor, Linda Lee. ‘That person is driven solely
by the thoughts and the feelings around the stimulus. He or she ends up reacting in a
habitual pattern of thinking, feeling and behavior. Mindfulness Meditation offers a
method to expand the space between the stimulus and the response, allowing
discernment to enter the process. We learn to pause, bring awareness to the
situation and then act instead of react.”

The Mindful Relapse Prevention (MRP) class series integrates mindfulness
meditation practices with cognitive-behavioral relapse prevention techniques, Lee
explains. During the six week series the class will explore: “automatic pilot” and
relapse; awareness of triggers and craving; mindfulness in everyday life and high-
risk situations; acceptance and skillful action; seeing thoughts as thoughts not as
absolutes; self-care, lifestyle balance, social support and continuing practice.
The upcoming six-week series starts Thursday, Feb. 5, 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Each class is
$90 per person for series (non-refundable deposit of $40 due by Feb.
2nd and balance of $50 due at first class).

linda lee

Initial phone interview required.
Please contact Linda at 941-387-5931
or email to lb@lblee.com
for more information and to schedule the interview.

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